Biblical counseling is an approach to counseling that uses the Bible to address the "issues" in the lives of individuals, couples, and families. The Bible teaches that our thoughts, motives, attitudes, words, and actions flow from our hearts. It further teaches that the heart is not the center of our feelings. It is the center of our thinking. The Bible also teaches that we all have a sinful nature that has affected our hearts (our thinking). Biblical counseling addresses the "heart" as the source of our life issues using the wisdom and insights revealed in the Bible.

Biblical counseling sees the individual as a physical, spiritual, emotional, rational, and relational being. The focus of biblical counseling is to help us develop a biblical worldview of our life and recognize the truths that guide us toward right thinking and actions. The ultimate goal of biblical counseling is spiritual maturity - living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
We can't change our lives until we change our choices. We won't change our choices until we change our thinking (our values, our motivations, our attitudes). Heart change brings about life change.
Biblical counselors believe that true change is the result of the Holy Spirit working in one's heart through the Word of God (the Bible). This work often includes intervention by other people such as a pastor, a friend, or a counselor. In order for problems to be resolved, they must be recognized and addressed from the perspective of the Bible. Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation for the work of biblical counseling, there is no hopeless situation. God can give us "beauty for ashes" if we are willing to obey Him.
At Whitetail Baptist Church, we believe in Biblical counseling. If you are interested in receiving biblical counsel, feel free to contact Pastor Bunyan.